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ENFJs are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, ENFJs take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality inventory, or test, 

employed invocational, educational, and psychotherapy settings to evaluate personality 

type in adolescents and adults age 14 and older. In an educational setting, the MBTI may

be performed to assess student learning style. Career counselors use the test to  help 

others determine what occupational field they might be best suited for, and it is also used 

in organizational settings to assess management skills and facilitate teamwork and

problem solving, including communication difficulties (MBTI 2003).

MBTI. (2003). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from                     test

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